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Femtosecond Fieldoscopy

Highlights Of Our LAB

Our paper on "Near-petahertz Fieldoscopy of Liquid" is published in Nature Photonics. Find the press release here.


Our work on "0.7 MW Yb:YAG pumped degenerate optical parametric oscillator at 2.06 µm" is on arXiv.


Our paper on "Solar Lasers: Why Not?" is published in APL Photonics. 


Our paper on " Nonlinear dynamics of femtosecond laser interaction with the central nervous system in zebrafish" is published in Communications Physics. Find the press release here. 


Our paper "185 mW, 1 MHz, 15 fs carrier-envelope phase-stable pulse generation via polarization-optimized down-conversion from gas-filled hollow-core fiber" is on arXiv.


Our paper on "Compressed Sensing of Field-resolved Molecular Fingerprints Beyond the Nyquist Frequency" is published in Ultrafast Science. Find the press release here. â€‹

"Beyond the Visible" is funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant 2023!


APACE is funded by the Pathfinder Open 2023 call of the European Innovation Council!


Our Research


Our independent group, “Femtosecond Fieldoscopy,” is funded by the Max Planck Society and European Research Council and is located at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. In femtosecond fieldoscopy, molecules are excited by ultrashort, phase-coherent pulses and the complex electric field of the transmitted light containing the molecular information is directly measured afterward. By using ultrashort pulses, the excitation is confined to a time window of tens of femtoseconds. Hence, the response emerging from the sample is separated temporally from the ultrashort excitation pulse allowing for high detection sensitivity and dynamic range. 

Furthermore, measuring the complex electric field allows for extracting the full spectral phase information of the molecular response, adding a new dimension to the gained spectroscopic data.

By employing the state-of-the-art femtosecond laser technology and pushing the frontiers of field-detection technique towards petahertz frequencies, we can resolve complex electric fields of light from visible down to terahertz for applications in biological microscopy and environmental sensing.



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